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Why Create Freedom’s Mark?
All Grit, No Quit –
Blog #1

Answering the vital question of why Freedom’s Mark exists

We live, every day, in the effects and conditions of this country’s greatness.


Welcome to the first entry in Freedom’s Mark Apparel’s All Grit, No Quit blog series! I am excited that you have taken the time to read a little about this company’s foundation, vision, and growth! Whenever you find this blog in FMA’s timeline, I hope it helps you, our customer and support, understand where FMA came from and the problem we endeavor to help solve.

Ultimately, I think FMA came about as a culmination of several factors or facets of my passions and the problem(s) that I saw prevalent or growing in the USA. We’ll get to the problem in a sec, but first my passions:
               1.  America (more specifically; why America is great)
               2.  Graphic design, creativity, clever imagery
3.  Fight, not flight

Passion #1: America

I love this country, really. It isn’t a sappy saying that I find people throw out to appease a listener or to convince you (reader) that this brand is genuine. I grew up always believing that America’s foundation was genius in its simplicity. Nothing thus far has changed that belief. You are probably wondering how I could think it was simple or that even now, with all the explosive growth of the federal bureaucracy, that I still think that. Please re-read the above; the foundation of America.

I fully acknowledge and have lived in the mountain of red tape which is our federal government for more than 10 years (working with and for the US Navy). The perversion of this country’s founding values and virtues, which has become popular in the recent decades, is a symptom of sin finding and enjoying the new information age.

Make no mistake, every amendment, every aspect of the bill of rights issued more than 200 years ago is absolutely applicable today, because they stand on timeless principle: Free speech. Right to protect oneself and loved ones. Right to be unmolested and unmonitored by our government. Free economy…

While I don’t necessarily prescribe to certain popular by-lines, America is still the greatest country on this Earth. We live, every day, in the effects and conditions of this country’s greatness. The problem is that there are too many negative messages invading our perceptions which messes with that understanding. Reinforcing America’s greatness to you is part of FMA’s mission.

Passion #2: Graphic Design

People are complex. I have many dreams and skills that have been and could still be utilized across countless opportunities. But when it came time, thru God’s calling, to make a change in my life and future, a particular set of skills and passion came up to the surface. This skill stack had been neglected, frankly, since high school. It is difficult to put it into words, but I guess I will boil it down to; Art. Seems kind of trivial to apply only a three letter word to a concept which encompasses half of our brains, but I will call it such for brevity.

I still remember when Photoshop was really emerging on the market as the computer aided graphics tool. I loved messing around in it, but it was still more of an extension of my overall creativity. The greater aspect of my artistic half is the ingenuity or cleverness of thought and its translation into visual metaphor thru idea creation. I am not the only one blessed with this ability. I see clever ideas and designs all the time, as I am sure you do. Discouragement is not an option, instead I am encouraged that there is a stronger desire for it than ever before. I am eager to add my own perspective to the world of creative art.

When I look around (and examine competitors ; )), I find either designs which are too aggressive for me and my family, or seem like they are not produced with love. Boom! Freedom’s Mark exists in that medium. We aren’t going to throw skulls on everything and go dark with theming. FMA apparel is for the American family man and woman, frustrated with negative messaging, loves this country, drives their family forward with one foot firmly planting in America’s foundation, has at least a little outward fight in them, and wants quality apparel to match!

Passion #3: Fight, not flight

I touched briefly on ‘outward fight’ just now, but I want to expand on that as it is my #3 passion or reason for founding FMA. I am not going to sugar coat this; we have to fight for this country. I do not mean enlisting or starting fist fights with socialists picketing in front of the courthouse. (Caveat: I fully support the brave men and woman who choose to enlist and put their lives on the line for us. They will always have my admiration and support).

For most of us, our fight is daily being faced with sinful persuasion to upend or give away our freedoms, and choosing not to let it do so. Popular methods of attack come from fear of security or health issues. However, we can overcome by reading, praying, finding likeminded community to support us when we are down, giving to or joining organizations who fight for daily liberty, or reminding ourselves and others of our founding values thru visual aids, like apparel.

Embrace individuality and appreciate that other people have different perspectives, but defend the ability to express America’s diverse perspectives with all rigor and grit. Disagree with someone, but don’t take away their ability to disagree. Start a business and encourage others to reach for their dreams, don’t suppress thru negativity and cancellation. I choose to fight for my goals using the tools in America’s toolbox.


So there you have it! Freedom’s Mark was founded as an extension of myself; driving to my dreams by using creativity and helping fight for American values and virtues. Hopefully what you’ve read resonates with you. Of course, I hope you support this brand or continue to support it. There is a lot more to come, both blog and product wise.

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I look forward to hearing from you!

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